Pots for Shops
Recognising that many local businesses wanted to support Denbigh in Bloom and brighten their frontage, but perhaps didn't have the time or the greenfingers to do this alone, we established the Pots for Shops scheme.
Each business in the High Street, Bridge Street and Vale Street has the opportunity to lease a small planter (or planters!) for the front of their premises, for a small, annual fee. The fee covers the lease of the pot(s) , the plants and the compost.
Denbigh in Bloom volunteers select and plant up the pots, then deliver them to the participating businesses. In turn, the businesses look after the plants during the summer and really help to brighten the town and promote their support for this community project.
In line with our green ethos, all the plant materials are composted at the end of the growing season when we collect the pots in again and businesses that take part can benefit from a reduced rate if they wish to take their planters for a second year!
We currently distribute almost 60 pots and have a waiting list! We were really overwhelmed with the positive feedback from our delighted contributors and their customers too. If you are a business in the Pots for Shops area and would like to get involved, you can access more details and an order form via our Sponsor Us page.