High Street and surrounds
When Denbigh in Bloom was first established, we began by securing funding to put some planters into the High Street. Year on year, we have invested more into developing these planters, so that we now have beautiful planters in Bridge Street, in Vale Street and into Ruthin Road.
In order to get these areas looking their best, we hold our volunteer Plant Up days. Usually, we hold two plant up sessions for the High Street and surrounds - one in late Spring and the other in October, after the Plum Feast. The event is advertised widely and open to all, so if you would like to help, keep an eye out for updates! Volunteers – established and new - come along in force to get our railing and floor-standing planters and baskets ready for summer.
The watering is carried out by one of our volunteers who makes a small charge to the group to cover water costs. The plants are sourced locally from Graham Pickles at Greenfingers, which is Denbigh's independent garden centre. Graham's displays are truly fantastic and in 2019 the Wales in Bloom judges remarked that the Denbigh High Street planters were the best they had seen in all their visits to entrants that year! Quite some accolade.
Some of the plants are grown on by our community, which has extended to now include eight schools, a care home for older people with dementia, a children’s nursery, Denbigh Men’s Shed, and Woodland Skills Community Support Group (for adults with additional needs). We are always keen to get the community involved, so if you have a group that would like to grow some plants, do get in touch!
We keep the railing planters on display until the second week in October, once the Denbigh Plum Feast has taken place. The larger square and tiered planters are given a refresh in October and planted with hardy perennials, winter bedding and spring bulbs (which we save, store and re-use each year) to give all year-round interest.
Each planter is available for sponsorship, with the sponsor’s name and the group that grew plants given a namecheck on each planter. The High Street planters are looked after on a weekly rota by volunteers, which covers deadheading, pruning and replacement plants where needed.